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Everyone has reached this point in their lives where they found themselves calling a particular day
"a good day or a bad day". I’m going to provide some already existing insights which will help us in having day called "a good day" and avoid falling into traps and temptations that will make us victims of "a bad day".
As the saying goes 'Disease identification is half the cure' so, first of all, let’s dive deep into the topic
What is a bad day?
A bad day is a day that started unhappily by an individual and ends up unhappily.
We, humans, have the power to make our day good or bad it all depends on how each individual started the day. We ought to take note of some minor things that can negatively impact our day, things like going to sleep in a bad mood, failing to plan our day, engaging in negative activities early in the morning, consciously or subconsciously affirming negative words at the beginning of our day, giving toxic people power over our morning, etc. All that mentioned above has the power to foster a bad day if allowed, as I said earlier it is only we that have the power to either make our day good or bad. It’s all in our power, let’s not give that power to anything else!!
What is a good day?
A good day is the opposite of a bad day. It is a day that an individual started happily and positively and ended it happily and positively through certain conscious daily practices.
Here are the seven conscious practices that make a good day
1* Morning positive affirmation to yourself;
This daily basis practice is very powerful, the tongue is your most powerful tool, use it and create your day. Practice telling yourself something positive every morning immediately after you wake up, let positive words be the first thing to come out of your mouth.
2.Plan your day and follow through :
A to-do list is a powerful tool for creating a happy and fulfilled day, for satisfaction comes from. knowing that we have accomplished all that we have set to accomplish for the day.
3.Avoid toxic\negative people and things:
Take heed! guard the beginning of your day with caution so that nothing else will impact it negatively.
Nobody knows what is going to befall them during the day so the best way to avoid such temptation is to keep not taking anything personally, keep silent, and don't reply or respond humorously. Practice 15 second pause and in those moments of pause remind yourself of who you are and where you are going.
Honestly practicing this will lead to improvements.
4.Spend more time with positive people:
Emotions are very contagious, so it's recommended that we spend more time with positive people.
5.Perform activity (s) that adds value to your life:
We all know the acts that add more value to our life, if it's speaking with a loved one, engaging in a valuable hobby, etc
6.*Practice generosity:
Giving, and lending a helping hand to our loved ones or strangers improves our life quality and also creates happiness and improved self-esteem in our lives.
7.*Meditate and reflect;
Meditate and reflect, review and discover the areas of life that require improvement, and check where your ethics were tested, what you did wrong, etc.
lastly, meditation and reflection improves our thinking quality. so let’s practice it daily for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Thanks for unleashing your precious time on this content.
Pep Justin.